Get an insight into the production processes of JM Catalysts and Piezo and also Alumina Systems – with this goal, 40 students from the 4th semester of the Technical Ceramics department at the Technical University of Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm recently visited the Johnson Matthey location in Redwitz. After various presentations about the Johnson Matthey areas Catalysts and Piezo at the Redwitz location, as well as an overview of the company Alumina Systems, we went on a tour through the production areas. During the tour, the students learned all sorts of interesting facts about the various production stations – from mass preparation to the catalyst. And of course a tour at Alumina Systems was not to be missed. Here, visitors were immersed in the exciting world of ceramic-metal composite components. After lunch together, there was of course enough time for a question and answer session. Here the students were very interested in the processes and products, but also discussed current topics such as electromobility and the VW scandal.